National School Psychology Week!
3 months ago, Mississippi Bend AEA
MBAEA School psychologist
National School Psychology Week!
3 months ago, Mississippi Bend AEA
MBAEA School psychologist
National School Psychology Week!
3 months ago, Mississippi Bend AEA
MBAEA School psychologist
We loved seeing all the amazing projects our homeschool kiddos did for their Geography & Cultural Fair!
3 months ago, Mississippi Bend AEA
student with project board
student with project board
student with project board
student with project board
student with project board
student with project board
National School Psychology Week!
3 months ago, Mississippi Bend AEA
MBAEA School psychologist
MBAEA School Social Workers attended the Iowa School Social Workers’ Association Annual Conference yesterday. This year’s topic centered around social work ethics and the importance of having brave conversations to support our students, families, schools, and communities.
3 months ago, Mississippi Bend AEA
People standing on stairs
It's always great to have district administrators in our Learning Center participating in Leading for Impact!
3 months ago, Mississippi Bend AEA
Adults learning
Adults learning
Adults learning
It's safe to say the Pleasant Valley Junior High students enjoyed the Star Lab they checked out from our Media Center. Getting these hand-delivered 'thank you' messages means the world!
3 months ago, Mississippi Bend AEA
Thank you note
Thank you note
Thank you note
Thank you note
We love the work these area districts are doing around K-6 SDI Literacy!
3 months ago, Mississippi Bend AEA
Adults learning
Adults learning
Adults learning
Adults learning
Pleasant Valley CSD is in our learning center today for Building Stronger Brains!
4 months ago, Mississippi Bend AEA
Adults learning
Adults learning
Adults learning
IDEA Training for Davenport Community Schools today!
4 months ago, Mississippi Bend AEA
Adults learning
Adults learning
Adults learning
We are welcoming a full room for Counselor Academy today! Shout out to area counselors for their awesome support for Iowa kiddos!
4 months ago, Mississippi Bend AEA
Adults learning
More than 100 area administrators have come together for our first Leading for Impact session of the year!
4 months ago, Mississippi Bend AEA
Adults learning
Adults learning
Watch out, comes Abigail! MBAEA Gives Back (a staff-funded/led initiative) was excited to work with Mississippi Bend Trykes to purchase and build an adaptive trike for this awesome kiddo!
4 months ago, Mississippi Bend AEA
kid riding tricycle
kid riding tricycle
kid riding tricycle
people building tricycle
people building tricycle
Area educators are learning to better understand and use their data to find actionable items that impact student outcomes and success.
4 months ago, Mississippi Bend AEA
Adults learning
Adults learning
Adults learning
Pleasant Valley had a little after-hours learning at their Leadership Academy yesterday!
4 months ago, Mississippi Bend AEA
Adults learning
Adults learning
Always great learning and collaboration when our Regional Planning Partnership (RPP) folks are here!
4 months ago, Mississippi Bend AEA
Adults learning
Adults learning
Adults learning
MBAEA Early Access (EA) staff are at the Joining Community Forces Event today from 9-11 AM! Our EA providers help parents and other caregivers support their child’s growth and development. Event info:
4 months ago, Mississippi Bend AEA
EA staff
Davenport Community Schools is having its EL Academy in our learning center today!
4 months ago, Mississippi Bend AEA
Adults learning
The generalist certification program consists of three courses in behavior management to help begin your journey in supporting our youth. Check it out!
4 months ago, Mississippi Bend AEA
Para helping student