Student Engagement
The Student Engagement mission of our organization is to empower every student by creating personalized environments that foster meaningful learning.
This program provides technical support related to integrating technology within the classroom to improve instruction, diversifying the curriculum, and expanding the capacity of students to learn. This service may include, but is not limited to, technology curriculum integration, software training applicable to teachers and students, application troubleshooting, answering technology-related questions, and developing lessons for various training events. Possible topics are:
Online teaching with Moodle
Web 2.0 tools
Online Databases
Differentiating Instruction with Technology
Technology Audits
Ensuring 8th Grade Technology Literacy Skills
Video Production and Editing
PowerPoint in the Classroom
Excel in the Classroom
Word in the Classroom
Video Conferencing
Integrating Standards
NA EP and Balanced Assessments
Graphic Organizers
Internet Resources for K-12 Educators
Interactive White Boards
Classroom Performance System (clickers)
Free Interactive Resources on the Internet for Reading, Math, and Science
Scavenger Hunts
Cyber Hunts
Webcasts (Podcasting)
Information Literacy
The Big Six Research Strategy
Photo Story
If you have questions regarding your AEA services, reach out to your MBAEA district contact.